HOA finds $136k in savings with SimpleSUB Water pilot
Case Study
Problem Statement
As Colorado water rates continue to skyrocket by up to 44% every year to cover new infrastructure, reducing water usage and utility expenses has become a top priority for homeowners associations. Many communities have found that metering can help residents cut their water consumption by 15-40% and promote fairer billing practices.
In response to above-average water usage and rising costs in their community, one HOA Board in Parker, Colorado requested a water audit from SimpleSUB Water to try out our ultrasonic submetering technology. We then launched a pilot project that helped the HOA identify patterns in water usage, detect costly leaks, and bill each resident for their actual consumption.

Battery Operated

No Tools Required

Cellular Connectivity

Online Reporting
- Rising water costs of 3%+ per year: The community’s water costs were significant for its
size and continued increasing every year. - Prohibitive costs of traditional metering: Initial estimates showed that installing
individual meters would cost $1,000+ per unit and create liability from in-home construction. - Transparent usage data: In multi-dwelling units where occupancy and water usage
varies, it can be difficult to ensure accurate and fair billing for residents.
- SimpleSUB Water’s water audit and pilot project provided a more cost-effective, low-risk, and hands-free alternative to traditional submetering.
- The audit identified leaks in at least 17
buildings that were wasting the HOA over
$63,000 per year. - Using the audit’s findings, SimpleSUB Water
presented an affordable pilot project to install
the meters in selected units for one-third of the
cost of traditional metering.
SimpleSUB Water installed our Z1 meters in 5 units that were flagged for excessive water usage. Each non-invasive meter was installed in 10 minutes, and one test unit was also installed alongside the city meter. Within the first few hours, we detected a leak in one unit due to a failing water softener device that wasted 434 gallons of water in just 5 hours. This detection is projected to save the HOA about 788,000 gallons of water and $16,500 per year.
- Detected a leak in the first few hours due from a failing water softener device that used 434 gallons of water within 5 hours.
- Helped bill residents for their fair share of water, reduced time to fix leaks, and enhanced property values. Our submetering technology is
projected to:
° Reduce HOA dues by $76 by decoupling water costs.
° Decrease community water costs by $136k/year (25% drop in usage).
° Save the community $384k over the next 5 years.
This pilot test highlights how SimpleSUB Water’s over-the-pipe design and ultrasonic technology can empower communities to take control of their water usage–without the hefty sticker price or liability of in-line meters.
Between real-time leak detection and unit-level readings, communities like HOAs can promote water conservation, recover water utility expenses, and take the guesswork out of resident billing. That’s a win for the HOA board, its
residents, and the planet.
“Starting with a pilot of SimpleSUB Water was an easy decision. Within the first day, we found a major leak and high water user, and expect to save a minimum of $63k/year by installing meters on the entire property. “ – Joe, Colorado HOA Water Committee
Joe, Colorado HOA Water Committee
About SimpleSub Water
Established in 2019 by two engineers with career backgrounds in smart water technology, SimpleSUB Water was founded in direct response to a gap in the marketplace: the founders developed the first user friendly, affordable, and accurate water submetering solution.
The solution delivers unprecedented results. The patent-pending design and calibration process, which ensure easy installation and high accuracy, are changing the landscape of clamp-on submetering.